Term Of Use

1) By agreeing to this you allow us all access to data for posts posted through our platform to your social media accounts.

2) I agree to not glorify not share anything with the intent to glorify an offence relating to terrorism. or any person convicted of a crime relating to terrorism, or activities of proscribed organizations or individuals or groups.

3) I agree to not intimidate, create a sense of fear, panic or insecurity in the (government or the public or a suction of the public or community or sect or create a sense of fear or insecurity in society.

4) I agree to not advance inter-faith, sectarian or ethnic hatred.

5) I agree to not spread any information that advances or is likely to advance inter-faith, sectarian or racial hatred.

6) I agree to not invite or motivate to fund, or recruit people for terrorism or plans for terrorism.

7) I agree to not intent for wrongful gain interferes with or uses any information system or devices

8) I agree to not use another person's identity information without authorization.

9) I agree to not intentionally and publicly exhibits or displays or transmit any information through any information system, which he knows to be false, and intimidates or harms the regulation or privacy of a natural person.

10) I agree to not share any sexually explicit content.

11) I agree to not write, offer, makes available, distributes or transmit malicious code through an information system or device, with the intent to cause harm to any information system or data resulting in the corruption, destruction, alteration, suppression, theft or loss of the information system or data.

        a. Explanation - For the purpose of this section, the expression "malicious code" includes, a computer program or a hidden function in a program that damages an information system or data or compromises the performance of such system or availability of data or uses it without proper authorization on.

12) I agree to not commit the offence of cyber stalking, with the intent to coerce or intimidate or harass any person, uses information system, information system network, the Internet, website, electronic mail or any other similar means of communication to:

        a. follow a person or contacts or attempts to contact such person 10 foster personal interaction repeatedly despite a clear indication of disinterest by such                    person.

        b. monitor the use by a person of the Internet, electronic mail, text message or any other form of electronic communication

        c. watch or spy upon a person in a manner that results in fear of violence or serious alarm or distress, in the mind of such person; or

        d. take a photograph or make a video of any person and displays or distributes it without his consent in a manner that harms a person.

13) I agree to not commit the offence of spamming, who with intent transmits harmful, fraudulent, misleading, illegal or unsolicited information to any person without permission of the recipient or who causes any information system to show any such information for wrongful gain.

14) I agree to only create one account

15) I agree to provide accurate information about myself

16) I agree to not share my password, give access to my Facebook account to others or transfer your account to anyone else (without our permission).

17) I am 13 years old or older

18) I agree to not make another account if my primary account has been disable due to breach of Terms and Conditions

19) I agree to not share anything that is unlawful, misleading, discriminatory or fraudulent.

20) I agree to not share anything that infringes or violates someone else's rights, including their intellectual property rights.

21) I agree to not upload viruses or malicious code, or do anything that could disable, overburden or impair the proper working or appearance of our Products.

22) I agree to not access or collect data from our Products using automated means (without our prior permission) or attempt to access data that you do not have permission to access.

Job Cancellation Policy

Customer will be unable to cancel any job directly from the dashboard if it has cleared the review process, however for exceptional cases, customer has to contact the customer service and request for the cancellation of the job. The consumed budget will be deducted with a penalty of 5% on total media budget for the respective job.


Job Refund Process & Policy

Customer may cancel any project before it has gone to the initial review phase and get refund in the form of an e-voucher on the platform. After the review phase, upon cancellation, the consumed budget will be deducted with a penalty of 5% on total media budget for the respective job. If a project is rejected in the review process the customer will receive a full refund in the form of an e-voucher on our platform. If the budget is not fully consumed, the customer will get an e-voucher on our platform for the remaining budget to use in future campaigns.


For more information, kindly find detailed cyber laws for Pakistan in the link below:



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